Oh, and except of course that the KDE Software Collection, as a whole, is far far in advance of the XFCE default application set. Except of course that it provides a better environment under which to run KDE apps and Qt apps and an equivalent environment under which to run GTK apps compared to XFCE. Except of course that underneath the UI KDE4 has the abstraction layers Phonon and Solid which provide applications with a more stable API than any that XFCE provides.

If you don’t use its advanced features, then it is essentially no different on the surface (the UI) to other desktops such as XFCE. Also, if plasma was meant to give a long life to KDE, why is that KDE 5 is being announce before a Qt5 (that would require API breaking)? I don’t know, I simply do not care anymoure about KDE development, I run it as my defaul DE, but I simply do not use any of its features, not even the menu (just a quick launch widget for my most importants apps, but KDE3 also did that, and was much more faster). I hope KDE community, as a whole, things better what they want for KDE 5 before entering again in all those “we will rock” sites like plasma and solid did in pre 4.0 era and end up with something that do not have a clear path. Plasma in the end, does nothing like was initially told it would, as most users simply do not use activities, plasmoids or even that terrible netbook shell version. I believe Aaron Seigo “vision” is killing KDE.